
陈清泉  香港大学  中国工程院院士


陈清泉院士原籍福建省漳州市,出生于印度尼西亚。1957年毕业于北京矿业学院机电系(现中国矿业大学),1959年完成进修清华大学研究生,1982年获香港大学哲学博士学位PhD(电气工程),1993年获乌克兰敖德萨大学荣誉科学博士学位HonDSc, 2008年获英国洛夫堡大学荣誉技术博士学位HonDTech。1997年获选中工程院院士、为香港首位中国工程院院士,前后获选英国皇家工程院士、匈牙利工程院荣誉院士、乌克兰工程院院士、香港工程科学院院士暨特别顾问。现任香港大荣誉教授及原电机电子工程系座教授及系主任。世界电动车协会创始主席、国际院士科创中心创始人。荣获世界工程师组织联盟杰出工程师勋章、英国皇家工程院菲利普亲王勋章、中国工程院光华工程奖、英国电机工程师学会国际演讲勋章、美国电机电子工程师学会交通技术勋章、香港特区政府银紫荆勋章、香港工程师学会最高荣誉金勋章等。《亚洲新闻》评为亚洲最佳创新者、期刊Global View誉为“亚洲电动车之父”、在印度获“电动汽车技术之祖”称号。他积累了50多年的教学、科研和工业经验,任国内外多所著名大学的名或客座教授, 国内外政府顾问,国内外著名企业科技战略顾问或独立董事。主要研究领域包括先进电机驱动、电动汽车、智慧能源、四网四流(能源、信息、交通、人文)融合的工程哲学和关键技术,着有四百五十多篇学术论文、十七本专着, 获十项专利。


Prof. C. C. Chan SBS holds BSc, MSc, PhD, HonDSc, HonDTech degrees. Honorary Professor and Former Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Hong Kong. Founder of Academician C.C. Chan International Science and Technology Innovation Centre. Visiting Professor of MIT, University of Cambridge, etc. Founding President of the World Electric Vehicle Association. Senior Consultant to governments, Strategic Adviser or Independent Director of public companies and industries. Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, U.K., Chinese Academy of Engineering, Ukraine Academy of Engineering Sciences, Honorary Fellow of Hungarian Academy of Engineering, Fellow and Senior Advisor of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences, Fellow of IEEE, IET and HKIE. Recipient of the Royal Academy of Engineering Prince Philip Medal, Chinese Academy of Engineering Guang-Hua Prize,  World Federation of Engineering (WFEO) Medal of Engineering Excellence, Silver Bauhinia Star Medal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government,  Gold Medal of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, IEEE Transportation Technologies Award, IEE International Lecture Medal, “Asia’s Best Technology Pioneers” by Asiaweek,  “Father of Asian Electric Vehicles” by Magazine Global View, “Pitamaha (Grandfather) of Electric Vehicle Technology” in India, “Environmental Excellence in Transportation Award” by Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). His major research field includes the philosophy and technologies of electric vehicles, intelligent energy systems, the integration of four networks 4N namely transportation, energy, information and humanity, and the integration of four flows 4F namely energy, information, material and value. Published 17 books, over 450 technical papers and holds 10 patents.


