
马志斌  教授


马志斌,男,博士,教授,博士生导师。 1987年生于山东聊城,2014年6月于中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所获工学博士学位,同年7月到山西大学资源与环境工程研究所工作。2018.10-2019.10期间由国家留学基金委资助在澳大利亚西澳大学做访问学者。目前主要从事煤矸石、粉煤灰等煤基固体废弃物资源化利用应用研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和面上项目各1项,作为研究骨干参与NSFC-山西低碳联合基金重点项目1项、国家重点研发计划1项和山西省煤基科技攻关项目2项。截至目前,以第一作者和通讯作者发表论文22篇(其中SCI收录11篇),合作作者论文8篇,授权国家发明专利2项,2018年荣获山西省“三晋英才青年优秀人才”称号。担任Journal of Cleaner ProductionFuelInternational Journal of Coal Preparation and UtilizationAsia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering和中国稀土学报等国内外学术期刊审稿人。



2)国家自然科学基金面上项目,粉煤灰无定形组分在碱性体系溶出机制与胶凝机理研究, 22078181,2021.01-2024.12,60万元,主持




15. Zhibin Ma, Xueli Zhang, Guangjun Lu, Yanxia Guo, Huiping Song, Fangqin Cheng*. Hydrothermal synthesis of zeolitic material from circulating fluidized bed combustion fly ash for the highly efficient removal of lead from aqueous solution. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, 47: 193-205.

14. 马志斌,张学里,郭彦霞,程芳琴*. 循环流化床粉煤灰理化特性及元素溶出行为研究进展. 化工进展,2021406):3058-3071.

13. 马志斌,张森,单雪媛,郭彦霞,程芳琴*. 煤、煤泥和煤矸石燃烧过程锂镓稀土元素的迁移规律. 化工学报,2021726):3349-3358.

12. Zhibin Ma, Xueli Zhang, Yanxia Guo, Fangqin Cheng. Extraction of valuable metals and preparation of mesoporous materials from circulating fluidized bed-derived fly ash via an acid−alkali-based alternate method. ACS Omega 2020, 5, 31295−31305.

11. 马志斌,曹丽琼,杨凤玲,程芳琴. 热重法研究煤泥与玉米秸秆的混合燃烧特性. 煤炭转化,2019,42(5):27-36.

10. Zhibin Ma, Chaolu Wen, Kezhou Yan, Yanxia Guo, Fangqin Cheng. Effects of reducing environment and fusible components on carbothermal reduction-nitridation reaction of coal gangue at high temperature under N2 atmosphere. Ceramics International, 2019, 45, 17, Part B: 22829-22840. (2018IF:3.450)

9. Zhibin Ma, Sen Zhang, Huirong Zhang, Fangqin Cheng. Novel extraction of valuable metals from circulating fluidized bed-derived high-alumina fly ash by acid-alkali-based alternate method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 230, 302-313. (2018IF: 6.359)

8. Zhibin Ma, Xueyuan Shan, Fangqin Cheng. Distribution Characteristics of Valuable Elements, Al, Li, and Ga, and Rare Earth Elements in Feed Coal, Fly Ash, and Bottom Ash from a 300 MW Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler. ACS Omega, 2019, 4, 6854-6863. (2018IF: 2.584)

7. Zhibin Ma, Xiuqing Tian, Hongqiang Liao, Yanxia Guo, Fangqin Cheng. Improvement of fly ash fusion characteristics by adding metallurgical slag at high temperature for production of continuous fiber. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 171, 464-481. (2018IF: 6.359)

6. 马志斌,常可可,燕可洲,张培华,程芳琴. 不同负荷下循环流化床锅炉粉煤灰的理化性质研究. 洁净煤技术,201622(4),20-25.

5. 马志斌,白进,李文,程芳琴. 高温弱还原气氛下煤灰中矿物质的定量研究. 燃料化学学报,2016,44,6,641-647. (EI)

4. 马志斌,白宗庆,白进,李文,郭振兴. 高温弱还原气氛下高硅铝比煤灰变化行为的研究. 燃料化学学报,2012,40(3):279-285. (EI)

3. Zhibin Ma, Jin Bai, Xiaodong Wen, Xiaoming Li, Yue Shi, Zongqing Bai, Lingxue Kong, Zhenxing Guo, Wen Li. Mineral transformation in char and its effect on coal char gasification reactivity at high temperatures, Part 3: Carbon thermal reaction. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28: 3066-3073. (2014IF: 2.790)

2. Zhibin Ma, Jin Bai, Zongqing Bai, Lingxue Kong, Zhenxing Guo, Jingchong Yan, Wen Li. Mineral transformation in char and its effect on coal char gasification reactivity at high temperatures, Part 2: Char gasification. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28: 1846-1853. (2014IF: 2.790)

1. Zhibin Ma, Jin Bai, Wen Li, Zongqing Bai, and Lingxue Kong. Mineral transformation in char and its effect on coal char gasification reactivity at high temperatures, Part 1: Mineral transformation in char. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27: 4545-4554. (2013IF: 2.733)


7. Siyu Duan*, Hao Wu, Ke Zhang, Hongqiang Liao, Zhibin Ma**, Fangqin Cheng. Effect of curing temperature on the reaction kinetics of cementitious steel slag-fly ash-desulfurized gypsum composites system. Journal of Building Engineering 62 (2022) 105368-105378.

6. Jian Li, Zhibin Ma*, Jianming Gao, Yanxia Guo **, Fangqin Cheng. Synthesis and characterization of geopolymer prepared from circulating fluidized bed-derived fly ash. Ceramics International, 2022, 4811820-11829.

5、王文翰,马志斌*,路广军,张圆圆,李圳,李丽锋。循环流化床粉煤灰无定形组分化学组成与结构特性研究. 洁净煤技术,2022287):158-167.

4、文朝璐,马志斌*,郭彦霞,程芳琴. 哈氏合金材料在粉煤灰酸浸液中的腐蚀行为及机理. 粉煤灰综合利用,20191764):13-16.

3、张森,马志斌*,郭彦霞,程芳琴. 三种气氛热处理过程朔州煤中锂和镓及稀土元素的迁移规律. 煤炭转化,2019,42(2),8-12.

2、单雪媛,马志斌*,郭彦霞,程芳琴. 不同粒径循环流化床粉煤灰组成特性研究. 煤炭科学技术. 2018, 46(11), 232-238.

1、田秀青,杨凤玲,马志斌*,程芳琴. 气氛对煤矸石中矿物质高温碳热还原反应的影响. 硅酸盐通报,2018,37(4),1371-1376.


8. Yuanyuan Zhang, Jiangting Zhao, Zhibin Ma, Fengling Yang, Fangqin Cheng. Effect of oxygen concentration on oxy-fuel combustion characteristic and interactions of coal gangue and pine sawdust. Waste Management. 2019, 87, 288-294.

7. Xiao Li, Jing Li, Zhibin Ma, Zongqing Bai, Jinglei Zhang, Guoguang Wu, Wen Li. Insight into cross-linking induced by carboxylates in direct coal liquefaction using coal-related model compounds and hydrogen transfer calculation. Fuel, 2019, 239, 484-490.

6. 郑烨,马志斌,关彦军,张锴,程芳琴. 煤矸石灰添加对准东煤灰熔融特性影响. 化工进展,2019,38(4),1714-1720.

5. Kezhou Yan, Yanxia Guo, Zhibin Ma, Zesen Zhao, Fangqing Cheng. Quantitative analysis of crystalline and amorphous phases in pulverized coal fly ash based on the Rietveld method. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2018, 483, 37-42.

4. Siyu Duan, Hongqiang Liao, Zhibin Ma, Fangqin Cheng, Li Fang, Hongyu Gao, Hengquan Yang. The relevance of ultrafine fly ash properties and mechanical properties in its fly ash-cement gelation blocks via static pressure forming. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 186, 1064-1071.

3. Kezhou Yan, Yanxia Guo, Dandan Liu, Zhibin Ma, Fangqin Cheng. Thermal decomposition and transformation mechanism of mullite with the action of sodium carbonate. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2018, 265, 326-331.

2. 王皓,马志斌,廖洪强,程芳琴. 高温下多种工业固体废弃物复配体系的熔融特性研究. 硅酸盐通报,2017,36(1),296-300.

1. 常可可,马志斌,杨凤玲,程芳琴. 钙基固硫剂在煤泥燃烧中的变化及固硫效果研究. 洁净煤技术,2016,22(5),59-63.


1.马志斌张森李剑锋郭彦霞程芳琴. 一种粉煤灰多元素协同利用制备絮凝剂和多孔材料的方法. 2021.12.31,中国,ZL 2018 1 1374815.0.

2.马志斌郭彦霞高建明程芳琴张森. 一种粉煤灰制备铝硅多孔材料的方法. 2021.12.31,中国,ZL 2018 1 1374818.4.






